Semana Trienta y Tres: Strange, blessed, great week

Hola mis queridos amados!!!!!  This was a week  :)  A stressful confusing strange blessed GREAT week.  Short update today.

Maria Isabel Jimenez Fernandez... turned 9 years old on Sunday and was baptized.  Her mother is a less active and has HUGE financial problems...... for that reason it is VERY difficult not to judge her.  All week she was using that to ask us for money... saying her daughter couldn't be baptized because she only had mil colones and asking help from us and the church yet not wanting to do what it takes to become self sufficient and make progress.  I study  A LOT Charity in ch 6 of PMG.  A LOT.  And prayed with ALL THE ENERGY OF MY SOUL to have love for this woman.... and in the end....... I can truly tell you all that I LOVE Katia.  I love her.  My heart aches for her and her challenges..... even more... my heart aches for her daughter, Maria... and I am SO glad that she had the chance to be baptized... to open the door to salvation so she at least has a chance.  That night after her baptism.... Katia called to ask for help with a big decision.  She was given the chance to move to another house where she would only have to pay luz y agua and not rent... and the woman would care for Maria during the day for half of what she was currently paying.  THe Lord answers prayers.  As representatives of Jesus Christ... we make promises with people following the spirit.  We promised Katia that if she gave her daughter the chance to be baptized... the Lord would bless her financially.... and that very night He did it.  They are no longer in our area so we 
can´t visit them but I am so grateful that Maria Isabel was able to be baptized!!

Alberto...27 years old... will be baptized this Saturday.  Lives in VERY humble circumstances.  Was raised by his Grandmother.  Looks like he is always sleeping or not paying attention... but is actually analyzing EVERY thing very deeply.... has a strong testimony.  However... says that he has some questions for us that have to wait until after his baptism.... I am afraid.

Roney... you all know him by now right?? This week he made HUGE progress.  He is committed to be baptized and confirmed this Sunday.  He has a testimony.... he just has to make the change.  And we know he can do it!!

Also, this week we met an old lady that doesn't know her purpose or what is waiting for her after this life and is MISERABLE.  How blessed are we for the knowledge we have!!!!  I am looking forward to bringing her to the knowledge of the truth.

Also this week a recent convert in this ward told us that she will be returning to the Catholic church.  It felt like a bag of bricks hit my chest.  However we listened to her and through the spirit were able to pinpoint the problem and are in the process of helping her.

Thank you all for the prayers and love for me and for my investigators.  It means so so SO much and I am so grateful for the support.  And so are they!  I know that Heavenly Father hears AND answers our prayers.  I am seeing miracles out here!!!!! I love you all!!! Have the best week ever!!

Love, Herm Cook

PS.... sometimes I get distracted thinking about my future family because it is SO clear to me the plan of our Heavenly Father... it is ALL about the family!!!!!!  I will testify more of this later.  I am out of time.  But I love you all MORE THAN WORDS!

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