My goodness gracious I've made it a whooooole Month!!!!! Just a quick reminder to all the people in the world.... I leave a week from Monday.... which means there's about a week left to easily send me packages and mail :)
Lesson with Mercedes but she didn't show. So monday :)
Studied mucho- I love the scriptures!
Then we ran into Hely- Jose's wife. She told us she has lots of questions but is uncomfortable with having all six of us teach her. So we decided the hermanas will take Hely and the Elders will teach Jose. But we really think it is important to teach them together so we will see.
Then class with Hmno Bliler- he is finally back! He reminded us that next week, 2 new districts are coming which means WE have to be the ejemplos!!! We need to be MORE focused, MORE diligent in our study and Spanish-usage, MORE obedient, MORE everything!
Then he introduced a new investigator which is really him. He is a less active
Then we taught Jose Luis. I love him! We taught about the Book of Mormon and receiving answers to prayers. He seems so interested so ready and PLUS he is having his wife read with him!
Then we had TRC and taught two Memebers. They were SO sweet! One was from Venezuela and talked SO fast I almost died. Literally. But I do feel like I got enought that I could SURVIVE if I went out now. But I'll take the 2.5 more weeks.
Then class with Hna Boza and Hmno Pemberton. Great always :)
Then Hmno Thoreson (CR teacher) and Hno Avila (a teacher who reminds me SOOOO much of Tyson) taught us about Doctrines/Principles/and Applications. They explained it SO well and how they all fit together and understanding the Doctrine and the why is what makes the rest of it make sense... I wish I could explain it all but it was just so good.
Each district has 3 teachers... because 2 districts just left, there are 6 teachers always just walking around that come and teach us randomly. It's actually AWESOME because each does things a little differently and there are SO many things I can learn from each of them!!! I love to learn and love to share what I learn! I love being a missionary!
Service at 6... great as always :) :) :)
Then class with Hmno Bliler. We taught Jaime then learned the diff between por and para. Which I still don't really get. Then we had to leave to catch the bus to Main Campus for Hmna Kugath's Doc Appt (I'm the only comp that hasn't had one now! Aren't you proud??) I studied while she was in and then we went to the Main Campus Cafeteria for lunch. It was AMAZING! I never knew how much we were missing in our little trailer cafeteria on West Campus. No wonder people gain weight. I saw Clair's old friend Chase there. I also saw a sister from high school- I think it was Courtney Keim! I also saw Powell Dubois from elementary school the other day, and a sister from music classes at BYU-I: Lauren Affleck. And Regan Hansen from elementary school is at West Campus too!! Oh and I saw Bree Anderson from Elemenetary school the other day too!! And there is a sister here- Paige Beckstrom- that went to my high school. And I met two elders that graduated with me and I didn't even know them! :)
So after the ADventure on Main Campus we still had two hours before class. I went home, very determined to study and use my time wisely while my companions slept... and then suddenly I opened my eyes and thirty minutes had passes!!! Eeks. Woops :) Won't happen again!!
Then class with Hna Boza. I just cannot say enough how much I LOVE her. She is such an amazing teacher and woman! I love her. She helped us learn and practice teaching to answer specific questions. Then we had to leave for TRC to teach Jose Luis! It went well! We taught the Plan of Salvation and he had LOTS of questions. Will answer next time. Our lesson went ten min over so we went back to class and Hna Boza had us teach again using the scriptures. Then she showed us her study journal from her mission. It's AMAZING! She went through every verse of the Book of Mormon and wrote down her favorite phrases. Then at the bottom she wrote what it means for her and then she used sticky notes to write how it connects to teachings in PMG. She said when she was at the Chile MTC, a friend of Bruce R McConkie came to speak to her. He told about when Bruce R McConkie showed him his study journal... he went through and literally wrote out the whole Book of Mormon word for word!! He said he wanted to KNOW and be FAMILIAR with every single verse. By the end, his testimony of the Book of Mormon had grown tremendously!! I want to do this!! And combine it with Hmna Boza's method by applying them to me and my investigators. I want to KNOW the scriptures!!! Her teahcing went twenty min past dinner... I didn't care because we were learning AWESOME stuff!! But Hmna K was grumpy and whiney about it... Having companions humbles me to know how to change, but it also very clearly let's me see what I do NOT want to be. Hmna K has MANY amazing strenghts that I don't have and want to develop. But I also know now how important my attitude is and to not be so quick to be frustrated and annoyed..
After dinner was PSC and I loved it!! For once we weren't interrupted by an extra lesson so we got all three hours!! For personal, I studied Mosiah 4 looking for the Answer to "What made the people want to be baptized." I used the Hmna Boza method adapted to my own way and it took me the whole time for only 11 verses!! I felt so edified- I love the scriptures!!
Wow I love my mission!! I do! I love it.
Started the day with class with Hmna Boza and first taught Luisa. It wasn't bad, I think she FINALLY understands the need to pray and read with real desire and intent!! Then gym and study time!! It was AWESOME!! I LOVE studying and learning more!! I really organized my time well and actually planned exactly what to do. It was awesome.
Then class with Hmna Bliler. We learned that we need to act as investigators so we can understand how it feels and improve our teaching. I love it. No time to teach Jaime because we asked too many questions. Also apparently Alejandro isn't coming back as an investigator. :( It's actually really sad!
Made a goal today to speak HSI always!! (oh. That means that you always speak spanish and if you don't know a word you look it up)
Oh man I LOVE SUNDAYS!!! Always!! It's the best part of the mission in the MTC. I can always plan on having my spirit fed and uplifted enough to go on with the work. Always!!!
We started with District Meeting and the Elders taught a great lesson on faith. IT's interesting that ALL our meetings' themes (sacrament, district, branch meetings) are always the five principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ- because THAT is what we are teaching! Because THAT is what matters!!! Study those five principles and practice them and you'll be fine!!
Then we went to Music and the Spoken Word. I always LOVE this. The spirit is so strong through music. I just felt so blessed for the world we live in!! For the beauty of the Earth, the gospel, the plan, everything!!! I am SO blessed!!
Then Relief Society. Several sisters spoke, and one talked about how REAL Miracles are!! But she said they don't come wrapped in a pretty box. They require PRAYER nad STUDY but they DO COME and are real!!! I can receive the gift of tongues!!! As a missionary I am qualified for and entitled to spiritual gifts!!!
Then Sacrament Meeting. Last week we were called as greeters so we did that today and I also led the music. Then had great lessons on fatih and how primary songs teach so many truths. And making a commitment to be 100 percent for the Lord. and the power to become!! We were called to be SISTER TRAINING LEADERS... Which makes sense because we are the only sisters left... :) And found out that on Wednesday we get EIGHT new Hermanas!! How awesome is that?!?! I was also called to be the new music chairperson. Shocker. ;)
So then we got to go to the Branch leadership meeting and we talked a lot about the qualities of a leader.
Then comp inv. where we set goals to be bien ejemplos for the newbies!! Our comp-ship is doing SO well!!
Then The New Sister Training Leader Meeting. We learned so much!!! I took many notes, but to sum it up I learned that we need to EMULATE THE SAVIOR IN ALL WE DO! In our leadership, in our work, in our lives!! "We do always those things that please Him." Motto right there.
Then we quickly said good-bye to District C So now we are officially the only district for a few days :) And then headed to Devo.
THE PROPHET AND THE TWELVE ARE TOTALLY ON MAIN CAMPUS!!! Security is way tight and it's the Mission President Seminar!! Fingers Crossed for Tuesday... :)
Today's speaker was Sister Janice Kapp Perry!!! It was AWESOME!!! I realized again the strength of the spirit in music and the truths taught in primary songs. We sang a lot of songs, it was awesome!!! She and her husband were so cute. She told the story of how they met.. and in short... She was sucking on her clarinet reed and he nudged her and said, "I just think those lips could be used for more than sucking on a clarinet." And then the MTC went WILD and he stood up and planted a greeaaaaaaat big one on her :) Imagine a huge group of missionaries fresh out of high school. Yes that's exactly how it was. ;) She also said that teaching in the home with HYMNS and PRIMARY SONGS does more than anything else to bring the spirit and teach truths!!! She also talked about the importance of WRITING A FAMILY SONG!!! And then showed us their family's. Okay fam. Get going!!!! She said to make sure the children help and are involved so. Go ahead. Write us a song :)
Then we watched the Sunday Film. It was The Joseph Smith movie this time!! I love this movie. The spirit was so strong!! I just kept thinking... Joseph and the early saints endured SO much to restore this gospel. I can endure the little hardships I face to help share it with the world. For this is HIS work!! EVERY soul is great in the eyes of God!! Shall we not go on for so great a cause??
This church is TRUE!! I am honored and grateful to be a part of the work.
wOW WHAT AN amazing day!!! Wow, it was good!!! First we had PSC and taught MErcedes. We talked about the plan of salvation at last. The spirit was so strong! We invited her to baptism again and she was much more open about it!!
Then gym.. lunhc.. and back to class and I got a SPECIAL phone call on the class cell phone!! They said my UNCLE was here for the New Mission President Seminar and had some down time and wanted to see me!! YAY!! So we had a great class with Hmno Bliler, TRC with Jose Luis where we retaught POS and answered questions and extended the baptismal invitation... then dinner and class with Hmna Boza. We taught Luisa aaaaaaand extended the Baptismal invitation!!! Oh wait- maybe we didn't invite Mercedes... no I don't think we did... man it get's confusing. :)
Then we got to leave so I could go meet with UNCLE STAN AND AUNT MARY!!! It was seriously SUCH a highlight. So nice to see someone I know and love and admire that loves ME and just have them hug me and tell me they love me and hug me for my mom and deliver a package from my sweet parents. So nice. Aunt Mary probably hugged me 20 times haha. I was SO grateful.!! Before they left, Uncle Stand told me that in all our huge family, there isn't a prayer offered tha tI'm not included in. I just cried as I thanked them. I can truly feel the prayers and I am SO incredibly grateful because I need them!!! I am so grateful to have seen them. They also told us that the speaker at Devotional tomorrow is ELDER HOLLAND!!!!!!! So THAT will be incredible!!!!!!! I love my family and the examples they all are to me.
Then we went back to class and two of my comps taught Elder Rodriguez and I taught Hmno Thoreson (CR) by MYSELf!!!! I went back to a lot of my old (as in 3 weeks old) ways and talked a LOT and sounded rehearsed. Afterwards he gave feedback and said that I taught REALLY well and REALLY clearly, but didn't ask enough quesitons to get to know him or his needs or personalize the message. But my teaching was REALLY good. So I learned two things: 1. I am doing so well!! I taught the whole first lesson in espanol completely alone!! Clearly!! So my investigator could understand!! In only a short time limit!! Buuuuut also that 2. I need my companions!! The issue of asking questions has been all of our downfall and together we have worked really well to overcome it. But wihtout them, I went right back to my old ways!!
I am so grateful for all I get to learn here. I am so humbled every single day. I learn so much and there's always more to imporove on!! I'm sooo blessed- it was such a blessing to see Aunt Mary and Uncle Stan!! I love my family. I love my mission. I love the gospel. And I love the Lord!!
Another AMAZING DAY!!!!
Bfast, PSC, taught Hely, more PSC, gym, lunch, class with Hmno Bliler AND Hmno MEEK!! He smells like Dad. Then we had to end class early to go to Devo because everything is different with the New Mission President's seminar so almost all the apostles are here too!!! So Devo was at 4:30.. Uncle Stan told us it was ELDER HOLLAND!!! It wasn't. :) But it WAS Elder D. Todd Christofferson!! He gave a great talk on the worth of souls. He said to act in full appreciation of EVERY soul you meet. There are no ordinary people. You've never talked to a mere mortal in all your life. Every person is a potential God or Goddess and EVERY soul has that worth to God. He also said "Your faith in God can only be matched by His faith in you!!!" Incredible!
Then we had a whole TWO HOURS for Devo REview. So first we reviewed the Devo with Bro and sis Dowdle. Side note- their old stake president is here because he has been called to be the new mission pres in FINLAND HELSINKI!! Leslie's mission!! They said he is a great man. Then they left and Pres Shallenberger came. It was just our district because we are all that's left. He did this really special exercise helping us write our vision for our mission and goals. It was AMAZING!! Dare I say.... better than devo?? :) Truth is they went hand in hand. We really realized our worth and our potential and that through the Lord... we can reach it!!! President Shallenberger is amazing. He worked with President Monson for three years (and told us AAAAAALL kinds of stories that he asked us not to write home because he wasn't sure President Monson wanted the whole world to know about how he got that duck he hunted out of the river........) :) And has written a book that will come out this fall called the Ten Traits of a Successful something or other... I'll get the real title and send it to you. He does this exercise in it so you should all read it okay???? I am going to write home and send my Mission Vision and Goals for 2014. He said he has sent President Monson his yearly goals for 25 YEARS!! AND HE ALWAYS RESPONDS!! Wowee. It was awesome.
I got a package from Mommy!!! Mucinex, chapstick, PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and cookies!!! I was SO GRATEFUL!!
Also a package from Courtney!! It was like Christmas!! She sent Lavender (which is good cuz our apartment stinks) and sugar snap peas (which is good because I eat crappy food) My comps loved them!!!
Also, dear elders from Grama and Clair!!! It was a great day and I am sooooooooooo grateful!!!
Random thing that happened today... we were on main campus trying to find some breakfast and accidentally walked into where PRESIDENT BEDNAR was speaking. No Big Deal. They stopped us before we ACTUALLY went in though :)
I have said it a million times but I am SO grateful to be a missionary. It is all worth it and the Lord is blessing me so much!! I hope you are all being blessed too... I pray for you each- each member of the family- individually every night!!! I love you so much and I'm so grateful for all the love and support. Don't forget... practically ONE MORE WEEK to send PACKAGES and LETTERS!!! I get my travel info on this friday and leave a week from monday!!! I love you forever and always!! The Church is True!!
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Uncle Stan and Aunt Mary got to see me at the Mission President's Seminar! |